4. Andy Kaufman - The Heckler | Catch A Rising Star 10th Anniversary Special (1982)
Andy as Tony Clifton on HBO 1977 / 4 of 4
Andy Kaufman on HBO (1977) pt. 1 of 4
What was Andy Kaufman really like? | Larry King Now | Ora.TV
"Fridays TV Show" (1981) [Show L-08] "Andy Kaufman, the Fight Incident" [09 of 12]
The Andy Kaufman special
Andy Kaufman - SNL
Andy Kaufman Biography 4/4
Andy Kaufman on HBO (1977) pt. 2 of 4
David Letterman Was in on Andy Kaufman’s Outrageous Bits (2017)
Election IV: Andy Kaufman - Saturday Night Live
Andy Kaufman on HBO (1977) pt. 4 of 4
Andy Kaufman Goes Panhandling In Dave's Audience | Letterman
Andy Kaufman on HBO (1977) pt. 3 of 4
Did Andy Kaufman Fake His Own Death?: The Last Hours | Our History
Andy as Tony Clifton on HBO 1977 / 3 of 4
Andy Kaufman's Elvis Presley Impression | Carson Tonight Show
Jerry Lawler on that Famous Andy Kaufman Moment | Law Talk Clips
Andy Kaufman Biography 1/4
Jerry Lawler Slaps Andy Kaufman | Letterman