3dhobbyshop 48" Extra 330SC Epp - Durability testing!!
3dhobbyshop 48" Extra 330sc Epp maiden flight.
3dhobbyshop 48" Extra 330sc Epp - 4S test 1 and crash.
3DHS 48 EPP Extra 330SC.mov
3dhobbyshop 48" Epp Extra 330sc - Icy Rollers
3dhobbyshop 48" Extra 330SC Epp - 4s test 2 13x4 prop
3dhobbyshop 48" Extra 330 SC Epp - Torque 2818-900kv on 3s 2200 with a Xoar 13x6.5
3dhs 48" Extra 330Sc Epp - Limbo durability test!
3DHS Extra 330sc EPP 48
3dhobbyshop 48" Extra 330 SC Epp - Torque 2818-900kv on 3s 2200 with a Apc 14x7 prop
48" EPP 3DHS Extra 330SC
3dhobbyshop 48" Extra 330 Sc Epp - 2nd flight
3dhs 48" Extra 330Sc Epp - Soaring on new years eve.
3dhs extra 330sc epp 48
3dhs 48" Extra 330Sc Epp - Testing the wing repair in some wind.
3DHobbyShop 48" EPP Extra
3dhobbyshop 48" Epp Extra 330SC - Torque 2818-900kv with an Apc 13x6.5 prop
3DHS Extra 330sc EPP 48"
ExtremeFlight 3DHS 48" EPP Extra V2
3DHS 48" EPP Extra 330SC - 4 cell test