22/6/2022 (766) Winning Icey - L Ferraris
28/9/2022 (53) Winning Icey - L Ferraris
22/6/2022 (768) Nothing New - L Hewitson
22/6/2022 (765) Bulletproof - Derek Leung
14/9/2022 (12) Winning Icey - L Ferraris
Race 8 Golden State Juvenile at Santa Anita Park on 10/29/22
22/6/2022 (762) Cigar Buddies - A Hamelin
25/6/2022 (771) Bundle Of Charm - Z Purton
22/6/2022 (764) Ambitious Heart - Matthew Poon
27/3/2022 (530) Go Go Sixteen - B Shinn
22/6/2022 (767) Nicconi County - Vincent Ho
19/6/2022 (760) Secret Vision - H Bentley
22/6/2022 (761) Run The Table - Z Purton
14/9/2022 (16) Amazing Boy - Silvestre de Sousa
20220627 Hollywoodbets Greyville Race 1 Express Clip won by BEADED GOWN
22/6/2022 (763) Sergeant Pepper - Derek Leung
29/5/2022 (702) Handsome Twelve - Z Purton
14/9/2022 (18) Beauty Glory - Z Purton
25/5/2022 (695) Everyone's Delight - A Badel
13/7/2022 (817) Carry The Diamond - L Ferraris