19 Ayya Khema - Das Geheimnis von Leben und Tod Teil 2
Ayya Khema - HR Day 19 Sixth to Tenth Insight Knowldge
Ayya Khema - Day19 - Dependent Arising/Origination 6 - Feelings Conditions Craving
Bhante Nyanabodhi (19) Inspiration bei Ayya Khema II
Ayya Khema - HR19 - The Sixth and Seventh Insight
Fragen an Ayya Khema: Was ist die Methode der Atembetrachtung 'an sich' ?
Ayya Khema - Opening the Heart
Ayya Khema LGM Dankbarkeit
☸ Ayya Khema I Contemplation on Death ☸
Ayya Khema - Day 5 - Unconditional Love "Metta"; Loving-Kindness Meditation
Fragen an Ayya Khema: Gibt es eine 'einzige Wahrheit', und was sagte Buddha über Gott ?
☸ Ayya Khema I Contemplation on Death & Dying ☸
☸ Ayya Khema I Sweeping Technique I 8/18 I 18 day retreat I 1996 ☸
Ayya Khema - Vergeben
Flower Garden | Ayya Khema LKM (1996)
Ayya Khema - Day18 - Dependent Arising/Origination 5 - Craving Conditions Clinging
Ayya Khema - Day 20 - Considerations & Descriptions of Self; The Feeling Aggregate as Self;
Ayya Khema - Day 12 - Our Conduct & Behavior According to the Buddha, Precepts and Refuge
☸ Ayya Khema I Jhanas 3-6 I 16/18 I 18 day retreat I 1996 ☸