175105 on 1D31, 06:50, Manchester Piccadilly - Llandudno
175004 on 1D31, 06:50, Manchester Piccadilly - Llandudno
175106 on 1D39, 14:50, Manchester Piccadilly - Llandudno
175105 on 1D40, 17:19, Manchester Piccadilly - Chester (18:22)
TfW 175105 departs Abergavenny for Carmarthen! - 24/4/21
175115 on 1H90, 14:40, Llandudno - Manchester Piccadilly
175010 on 1H86, 10:45, Llandudno - Manchester Piccadilly
175114 on 1H82, 06:34, Llandudno - Manchester Piccadilly
158818 on 1H85, 09:47, Llandudno - Manchester Piccadilly
175111 arriva manchester piccadilly
175105 and 158821 at carmarthen with 175105 giving a brilliant 2 tone, 153323 in the background
175004 on 1D34, 10:16, Manchester Piccadilly - Llandudno
Trains and tones at Llanelli including 175105 that's new TFW colours and I saw 2 nice 158s again
175114 departing Manchester Piccadilly.
Transport For Wales Class 175 103 Arrives At Chester | MWL NWC WCML | 04/01/20
175105 Arriva Trains departs Crewe
[HD] 175111 in Shrewsbury
01/07/2015 Warrington Bank Quay 175010
trains and tones at Llanelli including 2 158s 175106 with tail lights, 175101 with back engine down
Transport For Wales DMU's no's: 175101-175004 {1V39} 26/07/2019.