058: Ptolemaic Egypt - Two Lands, Two Peoples, One Ruler
059: Ptolemaic Egypt - Kingdom of Gold, Kingdom of the Nile
033: Ptolemaic Egypt - Ptolemy I: Son of Lagus, Son of Ra
062: Ptolemaic Egypt - Egyptians in a Greek Land
060: Ptolemaic Egypt - A Traveler's Guide to Alexandria
035: Ptolemaic Egypt - War & Peace in the 'Birdcage of the Muses'
The Ptolemies
Interview: On the Army of Ptolemaic Egypt w/ Dr. Paul Johstono
034: Ptolemaic Egypt - The (Incestuous) Lion's Brood
Interview: On the Islamic Reception of Cleopatra w/ Yentl Love
Interview: On the Wars of the Diadochi w/ John McTavish
Was Tutankhamun black?
056: The Seleucid Empire - A Royal Wedding, A Bactrian Revolt, & A Parthian Invasion
Interview: On Antigonus II Gonatas w/ Robin Waterfield
Greco-Egyptian Religion
Interview: On Alexander the Great in Ancient Art & Literature w/ Meg Finlayson
053 Excavating the Bible - Exodus: General Egyptian Archaeology
064: Antigonid Macedon - Of Revolutions and Reforms
Zach Moore Podcast 49
021: Assuming the Diadem - Kingship in the Hellenistic Age