0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 10: WIDE RIGHT TURN - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 11: OIL EXPANSION - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 23: SCENIC ROUTE - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
Factorio 0.16 Bugs Everywhere - E20 HIGH TECH
Factorio 016 Bugs Everywhere - E30 URANIUM VS COPPER
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 7: THE BITER EXPLORATION JOURNEY - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 9: FIRST RAILS - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 16: DISTRACTION THE FACTORIO WAY - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
Factorio Ep.2: fixing problem and getting bigger
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 8: COMPRESSION SOLUTION - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 12: 1 BELT OF COPPER - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 14: CHANNELING MY INNER WARLORD - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 5: SOLAR BEGINNINGS - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 18: LEAGUE OF WHIMSICAL ASSEMBLER BUILDERS - Coop with Xterminator, MP
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 4: COAL UNDER OUR FEET - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
0.16 Factorio Explorers! Ep 6: THE SAGA OF THE SOLAR FIELDS - Coop with Xterminator, MP Gameplay
Factorio - Building a Mega Factory: Part 99 The second half
Factorio 0.16 The Tutorial E11 Smart Ammo Deliver System
Factorio 0.16 Let's Play #17 - Uranium outpost
INTRODUCTION TO FACTORIO!!! |Live Commentary| Episode:1