What a strange midlane! Rookie's Kalista vs Lucian丨iG Rookie
TheShy's Lucian went from 0-3 to legendary,enemies are stunned!丨iG THESHY
Theshy' Vayne: standing in front of enemy's turrent at lvl 1丨IG THESHY
【春季赛季后赛解说】IG vs RA 第五场
Theshy's Quinn! the enemy Renekton wants to uninstall this game already!丨IG THESHY
Rookie Kalista: why you can quadra kill with AD! Can you wait for me to solo this ancient dragon?
【iG VLOG】2021LPL Spring vlog04
【i LOVE】2021LPL Spring vlog01
HLE vs NS - Game 1 Highlights | Quarter Finals 2021 LCK Spring | Hanwha Life vs Nongshim RedForce G1