Taipower contractor's deadly accident exposed the big scandal of the government and DPP!
[Full episode] Mongolia and the United States cooperated on rare earths to defend mainland China?
停工仍執意前往? 台電外包工程車墜谷 2死者竟為逃逸移工-民視新聞
The flood happened in northern Chinese mainland became the biggest crisis during Xi's tenure!
台電工程車翻覆 6人拋飛"150米山谷"釀4死│中視新聞 20230804
怎上山? 承攬商6人1車墜谷 台電:未獲出工|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS02
台電外包工程車墜谷 4人無呼吸心跳2人傷|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01
【每日必看】踏出廁所踩空! 工人1樓墜B2 送醫搶救不治 20230805 @中天新聞CtiNews
Xi Jinping cracks down on real estate to oppose the "crackdown" economy! ?
20230805 公視中晝新聞 完整版|台14線南投埔里至霧社續管制 南豐村及春陽部落土石流
The rainstorm hit Beijing break the record in 140 years!
Chen Mingwen changed to "Chen Deleted Wen" in less than a day! ?
【全集】北京2天下2年雨驚見「汽車河」! 一曲「羅剎海市」曝中國亂象?! - 黃世聰 姚惠珍 馬西屏 徐俊相《57爆新聞》網路獨播版-2100 2023.08.01
'Buy one floor get one floor free," Mainland's housing market is crashing!
Star Congress broke the situation and exposed the disconnection between the United States and China
Grabbing votes "tearing society" exposes "arrogance"!
DPP quickly defended its construction plan as they were accused of only comrades can get the budget!
Looking forward to the chaotic situation, "funds come first"?
武警「北京暴雨救災」不忘宣傳黨!?河北13萬人受困洪災「習近平卻出書教治水」!? - 康仁俊 董智森 馬西屏 江中博 徐俊相【57爆新聞 精選】
【簡至豪/林宸佑 報新聞】侯柯同台握手 "兩人聊這件事"查蔡英文論文 幕後"是他操盤?"|小紅老師也"險遭黃子佼"約拍照11縣市豪大雨特報 "警戒到入夜" 20230805 @中天新聞CtiNews