【中韓歌詞 Lyrics/가사】 ID:Earth - It's Red / 紅丹心OST Part.3 / 붉은 단심OST Part.3
【中英歌詞 Lyrics/가사】 ID:Earth (아이디얼스) - Mine /我的上流世界OST Part.2/ 마인OST Part.2
It′s Red (Feat. Park Dawool)
【中韓歌詞 Lyrics/가사】 IDEarth(아이디얼스) - 在你身邊 너의 곁에 (By Your Side) /王后傘下OST PART.2 /슈룹OST PART.2
【中英歌詞Lyrics /가사】 ID:Earth-I'm Your Blood 血親/ 아이디얼스-I'm Your Blood /#法官大人OST PART.1 /#유어아너OST PART.1
【韓繁中字】ID:Earth(아이디얼스) - It's Red_붉은 단심 OST
ID:Earth(아이디얼스) - Mine (마인 OST) Mine OST Part 2
【英歌詞 Lyrics/가사】 ID:Earth (아이디얼스) - Mine /我的上流世界OST Part.2/ 마인OST Part.2
[K-Drama] [붉은단심 (bloodyheart)] 아이디얼스 (ID EARTH) - It's Red Fan M/V (ft.Shin Hae Sun)
【中韓歌詞 Lyrics/가사】 SAya - 꿈에서(夢裡)/我的上流世界OST Part.3/ 마인OST Part.3
【中韓歌詞 Lyrics/가사】 李承允 이승윤 - This is Mine /我的上流世界OST Part.1/ 마인OST Part.1
ID:Earth (아이디얼스) - By Your Side (너의 곁에)(슈룹 OST) Under the Queen's Umbrella OST Part 2
keshi - beside you (Lyric Video)
Hoobastank - The Reason (Official Music Video)
【中韓歌詞 Lyrics/가사】 임상현- 흘려보낸다 / 紅丹心OST Part.5/ 붉은 단심OST Part.5
[조각집🎨] '별 떨어진다 (I Do)' IU Live Clip (With 도경수)
【中韓歌詞 Lyrics/가사】金倫我 (김윤아) - Winner /我的上流世界OST Part.5/ 마인OST Part.5
Elliot James Reay - I Think They Call This Love (Official Lyric Video)
mine ost part 2[vietsub]
One Direction - Drag Me Down (Official Video)