Adventure of a young acrobat Aralova Kira in Moscow, on the set of the TV show "Best of All"!
Aralova Kira - composition "Doll", a young acrobat - equilibrist on the Cyr Wheel.
A happy clownman! Aerial gymnast on silks. Kira Aralova (9 years old).
Film story - about a young acrobat - Aralova Kira 10 years old
Cool kids! Aralova Kira (9 years old) acrobat on "Cyr Wheel", acrobatic composition "Malvina Doll".
Performance on the streets of Minsk, Aralova Kira - a young acrobat on the wheel (Cyr Wheel).
Aralova Kira (10 years old) - Acrobat on the Cyr Wheel. "The Adventures of a Cool Cowboy"
Demonstration performance at a charity evening, young acrobat "Cyr Wheel" Aralova Kira.
Дуэт Аралова Кира , Иванчик Ксения, Беларусь, г.Минск, (8-11 лет) - Цирковое искусство
Аралова Кира (Эстрадно-цирковая студия "Романтики") г.Минск на "АРЕНА STARS" 17.02.20г. 6511
«Крутой ковбой» юная акробатка Cyr Whee l– Аралова Кира дарит хорошее настроение зрителям на улице.
"Lady Perfection!" - Kira Aralova - young acrobat in a hoop (Cyr Wheel).
Clowning - reprise "Savages" - Performance at a charity concert for orphans.
Аралова Кира – акробатическая композиция "Мулан", юная акробатка на колесе сира (Cyr Wheel).
Кира Аралова первые съёмки на свой канал
Cool kids! Cyr wheel kids - Baby circus Belarus.
10 series - "Chemical trick", humorous series for teenagers - "I want to Paris".
Hooray! Kira goes to "Best of all"! 24 - a series of humorous series - "I want to Paris".
Acrobatic show - “Pajama Party!” Gymnastics festival “Gym for Life. Belarus 2024".
Cyr Wheel Show of Romantics