Functional Programming for the Object Oriented - Øystein Kolsrud
Turing's Toy - Øystein Kolsrud
Øystein Kolsrud - Functional Patterns for the Object Oriented | Øredev 2018
Functional Patterns for the Object Oriented - Øystein Kolsrud
Turing's Toy - The story of a mathematical idea that changed the world - Øystein Kolsrud
Øystein Kolsrud - From Haskell to C# (...) | Lambda Days 2019
Slik er alle jenter i Valdres - Anita V. Lindelien og Øystein Kolsrud
Oystein Kolsrud - Turing's Toy - The story of a mathematical idea that changed the world
Oystein Kolsrud - Functional Programming for the Object Oriented
Lottomillionær - Arne Kolsrud Overen-
Hjertefred 2023 Arne Kolsrud Overen
Dag Kolsrud / One 2 Many - "Answer" (1988)
Whose story has been overlooked?
Martin Davis: Universality is Ubiquitous
[HIW'22] Haskell Playground (WIP)
Til minne om Frode Rønli: Radio - Stavangerensemblet [NOR](Live 1981)
Design Patterns in Functional programming by Scott Wlaschin
Domain modelling in object-oriented and functional programming, based on C# and F# - Marcin Kern