@gDrar ብሓቂ ሓዚነ: እዚ ክንበዓኩም ዩ ግን ድማ ዘሎ ዩ - This will make you cry
@gDrar እዚስ ምስ ምንታይ ትቆጽርዎ: ምስ ምዕባለ ዶ ጽላለ - This is modern society
@gDrar እዚ ከየጥፈኣና ከሎ ተጠንቂቅና ንሕሰብሉ - This is the plan
@gDrar ኣይነገርካናን ከይትብሉኒ: ሕጂ ዩ እቲ ግዜ - Don't miss this or regret forever
@gDrar እዚ ኣሽሙር ዘረባ ንመን ዩ ቀንዲ ዝጽርፍ ንርአ - Hypocrisy at its best
@gDrar ሃይማኖቱ ናብ እስልምና ዝቀየረ ንምሉእ ዓለም ዘዛርብ ዘሎ ተይት - Controversial Andrew Tate
The woman who was die while dancing.
@gDrar ነዚ ሕማም: ቀስ ብቀስ: ከየልግቡላና: ንጠንቃቅ - Pay attention to this influence
@gDrar ሓበረታ ንኹሉ ወላዲ: ካብ ጽባሕ ዋይ ዋይ ምባል ሎሚ ምንቃሕ - For all habesha families
@gDrar ዘስደምም: ነዚ ሓበረታ በጃኹም ናብ ኩሉ ኣብጽሕዎ - Shocking revelation
@gDrar ሰዶማውያን ሎምስ ንኣምላኽ ውን ክደፍሩ ጀሚሮም: ንጠንቀቅ ሓደራ - This is strange
@gDrar ኣብ ሂወትካ ሕማቅ ሰብ እንተኣቲካ ታይ ትገብሮ - How to Deal with Difficult People
@gDrar ንምብዛሕትኡ ሓበሻ ዘሃሲ ዘሎ ሓደገኛ ኣካይዳን ኣመላትን - This can build or ruin your life
@gDrar ክፉእ ሰብ ስለዘይሰኣን ብኣግኡ ነዚ ጥበብ ዕጠቕ - How to identify Toxic peron early
@gDrar ሕቡእ ቁስሊ ሎሚ ዝተረደአን ክዛረባ ንስማዕ - Modern day problems
ስዊስ ዶ ስወድን ኣበይ ምንባር ይበልጽ? ምጉት ኣብ መንጎ ቲቲን ጆርጆን - Sweden vs Switzerland which is bet
@gDrar ወዲ ይጠንስ: እታ ጓል ኣቦ ትኸወን: ንምእማኑ ዘጽገመካ - Watch what is happening these days
@gDrar ኩሉ ጸላኢ ኣለዎ: እቲ ሕቶ ብከመይ ትስዕሮም ጥራይ'ዩ! 232 5- How to defend yourself against your enemies
@gDrar ኣገዳሲ ጉዳይ: ኣብ ሂወትና ዘድልየና - These are things you need to litsen to
@gDrar እዞም ምልክታት እንተለካ ጭንቀት ኣለካ - You might be heading to Depression if...